- 弱Noether对称性weakly Noether symmetry
- Noether对称性Noether symmetry
- Emden方程的Mei对称性、Lie对称性和Noether对称性Mei symmetry,Noether symmetry and Lie symmetry of an Emden system
- Hamilton系统的Mei对称性、Noether对称性和Lie对称性Mei symmetry, Noether symmetry and Lie symmetry of Hamiltonian system
- 弱young
- 弱的infirm
- 弱电light current
- 对称性symmetry
- 变弱fail in
- Noether环Noetherian ring
- 弱碱性alkalescence
- 余Noether环conoetherian ring
- 消弱slacking down
- Noether-环N oether - ring
- 不对称性nonsymmetry
- 体弱多病valetudinarianism
- Noether条件Noether condition
- Noether定理Noether theorem
- 较弱的feeblish
- 特性不对称性intrinsic dissymmetry