- 微波极化指数(MPI)Microwave Polarization Index( MPI)
- 星载微波辐射遥感的极化指数距平统计与土壤湿度分布Statistics of the average distance of polarization index derived from data of space-borne microwave remote sensing and soil moisture mapping
- 极化指数PIpolarization index PI
- 吸收比和极化指数浅析A Review on Polarization Index and Absorption Ratio of Insulator
- 指数index
- 微波microwave
- 分形粗糙表面掠入射时的全极化指数计算Study on the Full-Polarized Exponent of Fractal Rough Surface at Grazing Angle
- 洪涝区分类结果与经过天 -地校验过的机载和星载SAR资料地表洪涝分类实况对比 ,TRMM/TMI低频微波通道微波极化比 1 0GHz的PR1 0和 1 9GHz的PR1 9的分类正确率不低于 75%。over 75 0%25. Low frequency channels of TRMM/TMI at 10GHz and 19GHz, were effectual in surface flood area detection and classification.
- 极化polarization
- 上证指数Index of Shanghai Stock Exchange
- 指数的exponential
- 电磁场与微波技术Electromagnetic Fields and Microwave Techniques
- 风吹海面起微波。The wind corrugates the surface of the sea.
- 指数函数quantity in the exponent
- 微波管microwave tube
- 股票指数share index
- 去极化depolarize
- 半月于微波的海面闪闪发亮。A half-moon caused the rippling sea to glitter.
- 道琼斯指数Dow-Jones Index
- 微波混合接头microwave hybrid junction