- 您好,我叫franco Rossi。Hello. My name is Franco Rossi.
- 我叫李华,正在办理你校1991年秋季财会转业研究生入学申请。My name is Li Hua. I am applying for the graduate studies in Accounting for the fall of1991.
- 乔那:(简称乔)您好,我叫乔那。Jonah: (Jo for short) Hello, this is Jonah.
- 您好,我叫布朗,我就是旅馆的经理。Hello,this is Brown,the manager of our hotel.
- 我叫她闭嘴,可她还是唠叨个没完。I told her to pipe down but she still babbled on.
- 您好,我叫Harry miller。Hello. I'm Harry Harry Miller.
- 我可以麻烦你给我叫一辆出租汽车吗?May I trouble you to call a taxi for me?
- 您好,我叫John stevens。Hello. This is John Stevens.
- 劳驾给我叫辆出租汽车,谢谢你了。I'd be grateful if you will call a taxi for me.
- 这狗通常是很友好的,可是今天我来时却对我叫得很凶。The dog is usually so friendly, but today he snarled at me as I arrived.
- 我叫王芳,史密斯先生,您好。My name is Wang Fang. Mr. Smith, how do you do?
- 我叫她别打扮得像个年轻姑娘似的。I told her to stop dressing up mutton to look like lamb.
- 您好,我是您的邻居。我叫helen。Hello. I'm your neighbor. My name is Helen.
- 他抄起一把大折刀,在屋子里来回赶我,管我叫追命鬼。He chased me round and round the place with a clasp-knife, calling me the Angel of Death.
- 我叫王芳,史密斯先生,您好。My name is wang fang . mr smith . how do you do ?
- 我叫他不要扔掉他的过期的医学杂志。I asked him not to hurl away the old copies of his medical journals.
- 您好,我叫克里斯·加纳。Chris Gardner: Hi. Chris Gardner.
- 无论你把我叫做什么乐器,你也只能撩拔我,不能玩弄我。Call me what instrument you will, though you can fret me, yet you cannot play upon me.
- 我叫了她一声,她便转过身来朝着我。I called her and she wheeled to face me.
- 我叫巴纳德,能够向你们说明我们的新产品,我感到非常荣幸。I'm Barnard and it's my great honor to tell you about our new product.