- 您将使用XForms表单为You ll use the XForms form to provide a value for the
- 这篇技巧说明如何使用XForms通过从单个表单中进行多次提交来解决这个问题。This tip shows you how to use XForms to solve that problem by using multiple submissions from a single form.
- 挖掘模型描述了您将使用的数据,还有其他为运行模型所必需的输入参数。A mining model describes the data that you will use, as well as other input parameters necessary for the model to run.
- Office InfoPath 2007中现成的示例表单为常见的使用方案提供了模板。Ready-to-use sample forms in Office InfoPath 2007 provide templates for common usage scenarios.
- 在这些课程中,您将使用SQL Server数据库。For the purpose of these lessons, you will use a SQL Server database.
- XForms将表单的模型和表现完全分离,从而引入了一种全新的表单表示方法。XForms introduce a radically new approach to forms by completely separating the model and the presentation of a form.
- 在剩下的过程中,您将使用自定义类别和计数器。For the rest of your procedures, you will work with a custom category and counter.
- 您将使用何种数据库来存储实例数据和应用程序数据?What databases will you use to store instance and application data?
- "彼得为啥需要两辆车?" - "他是不需要两辆车,可他的钱多得没处花。""Why does Peter need two cars?" - "He doesn't, but he's always had money to burn."
- 原子核的单粒子模型one-particle model of nucleus
- 您将使用的用于您指定安装的步骤可能是多种多样的。The procedures you will use for your specific installation may vary.
- 警告:表单可能被预设为上传您计算机上的私人文件。Warning: A form can be preset to upload private files from your computer.
- 政府将为农业提供补助。The government will provide subsidies to agriculture.
- 如果要预订货舱,请将订舱表寄给我们。If the cargo space must be reserved,please send us the necessary application forms.
- 州长将为这项争论性的议案与州议会奋战到底The governor will go to the mat with the legislature over the controversial
- 如果我,或者我的朋友可以减轻您的苦恼,总之不管您在哪方面用得到我的话,我希望您知道我是非常乐意为您效劳的。If the company of myself and my friends can beguile your thoughts,if you need me in any way,I would like you to know how very happy I would be to help.
- 再一次,您将使用相同的信息,但将把来自Web服务的结果嵌入到HTML页面中。Again, you are using the same information, but you are embedding the results from the Web service in an HTML page.
- 文件指出:政府将完善农村家庭土地契约和使用系统。The government will improve the system that allows rural households to contract and use farm land, it says.
- 您还可以创建打印视图,为填写并打印表单的用户指定自定义打印设置。You can also create print views that specify custom print settings for users filling out and printing the finished form.
- 世界上的石油总会用尽,人们将使用由原子分裂获得的更为方便的动力。The oil of the world will have been used up,and man will be using the more convenient power obtained from the splitting of the atom.