- 我们会住在 new York。We'll live in New York.
- 从现在起,圣诞老人会住在你心中,就像他住在我心中一样。For now, Santa lives in your heart just like he lives in mine.
- 不会unlikely
- 我不能想象自己会住在日内瓦,那里除了人之外什么也没有。I can't imagine going to live in Geneva. There's nothing there but people who've gone to Geneva.
- 我们会进一步帮助你的。We will help you further.
- 我们一直住在一起,关系亲密,因此分手时实在难以割舍。We had lived on terms of close friendship under the same roof. It was not an easy parting.
- 我会住在蒙古包里。I might stay in a yurt.
- 我们会提升教师的专业资格,以及提高教师在社会的地位。We will upgrade the professional qualification of teachers and enhance their status in this community.
- 你怎么会住在这种肮脏地方?How can you live in this dump?
- 按照你方要求,我们会在装运完成后立即将发货日期通知你方。As requested, we will inform you of the date of despatch immediately upon completing shipment.
- 他会住到星期二。He'll keep it until Tuesday.
- 如果您愿意,可以在酒吧坐坐,有了桌子我们会去请您。You can sit in the bar if you like and we'll call you when we have table.
- 我会住在西雅图的假期旅馆。I'll be staying at the Holiday Inn in Seattle.
- 我们会尽力使成品在用料和款式方面更加适应国际市场的需要。We'll try every means to fit the finished product to the needs of the international market in respect of material and style.
- 我从来没有想到,有一天我居然会住在美国。I never realized that someday I would be living in America.
- 此外,在资源许可的情况下,我们会提高现有服务的质素和水平。We would also improve the quality and standards of existing services as and when resources permit.
- 你们将会住在工厂的附近。You will live near the factory.
- 在下面的一些小节中,我们会更详细地讨论每一种导航类型。The following sections discuss each of these types of navigation in more detail.
- 我从没想到有一天我会住在北京。I never realized that someday I would be living in Beijing.
- 我们会在香港提供优厚的投资环境以及所需的基础建设。We will provide a favourable investment climate and the necessary infrastructure to support their operations here in Hong Kong.