- 所获ADU 产品为一级品The resulted ADU product was top quality product.
- 所place
- 如果已经获得了资源,请在Using语句中使用计算结果为所获资源的引用变量或表达式。If you have already acquired the resource, use a reference variable or expression in the Using statement that evaluates to the acquired resource.
- 为难make things difficult for
- 转化为translate into
- 所获信息通常被输入计算机以进行快速分析处理。The information obtained is often fed into a computer for rapid processing.
- 图博主要产品为应用于汽车及锅炉行业的冷拔焊接钢管及电焊钢管。Our Products are Cold Drawn Welded Tubes &ERW tubes mainly used in Automobiles &Boilers.
- 我从他的讲课所获不多。I don't get much from his lectures.
- 以非农产品为原材料Using Nonfarm Produce as Raw Materials
- 所获利润profit gained
- 注4:表中产品绝缘电阻最小值是以尺寸编码35型产品为基准制定。The I.R. minimum in table 3 is base on SLC which size code is 35.
- 不劳则无所获Nothing to be got without pains
- 外观:产品为棕褐色粉末。Appearance: In powder with brown color.
- 所获利益disgorgement interests
- 外观:产品为深灰色粉末。Appearance: In powder with deep-gray color.
- 根据两国间达成的协议,公司可以自由地将所获利润调回本国。An agreement between the countries enables companies to repatriate their profits freely.
- 外观:产品为淡紫色粉末。Appearance: In powder with lavender color.
- 取得如此成就,以美国和苏联的标准衡量,所获奖金相当有限。The rewards for such achievement are slight by American and Soviet standards.
- 外观:产品为淡黄色粉末。Appearance: In powder with yellow color.
- 所获学位及毕业日期Title of degree awarded and date of conferment