- 一种面向对象Petri网模型的语义和行为分析The Semantic and Behavioral Analysis of an Object-Oriented Petri Nets Model
- 扩展的面向对象Petri网extended object-oriented Petri net
- 面向对象Petri网及其在告警服务代理软件中的应用Object-Oriented Petri Net Model and Its Application in Alert Agent System
- 对象Petri网在信息安全建模中的应用Object Petri Nets'Application in Information Security Model
- 所有的面向对象的程序设计语言都具有对象、多态和继承的特点。All object oriented programming languages have three characteristics in common: objects, polymorphism and inheritance.
- 为了增强工艺资源库的适应性,利用可扩展标识语言开发了可扩展的面向协同管理的工艺资源标识语言。The cooperation management-oriented process resource mark language is developed to boost up fitness of the process resource database by extensible mark language.
- 对象Petri子网Objected-oriented Petri subnet
- 允许使用公共的面向对象访问权限修饰来控制方法和属性的使用权限。Allows the use of common OO access modifiers to control access to methods and properties.
- 球棍末端的后倾部分将高尔夫球棒棒头的面向后倾斜,用于将球击出一个高弧线The backward slant of the face of a golf club head, designed to drive the ball in a high arc.
- 顺便说一下,在纯面向对象的语言中启用AOP是使用元数据进行语言扩展的一个例子。Incidentally, enabling AOP within plain object-oriented languages is one example of using metadata for language extension.
- 模糊扩展Petri网fuzzy extended Petri nets
- 一种软件绘图功能的面向对象实现An OOP Implementation of Software Draw Map Function
- 扩展时间Petri网Extended time Petri nets
- 反射的面向对象编程reflective object-oriented programming
- 对象化模糊Petri网object-based FPN
- 扩展时间Petri网(ETPN)extended time Petri net(ETPN)
- 一个绘图工具的面向对象设计Object-oriented design of drawing tool
- 此框架提供一个有条理的、面向对象的、可扩展的类集,使您能够开发功能丰富的Windows应用程序。This framework provides a clear, object-oriented, extensible set of classes that enables you to develop rich Windows applications.
- 基于窗口的面向对象的GUI设计GUI Design Based on Windows and OO