- 抗O血清O antiserum
- 抗Oantistreptolysin O
- O血清型O serogroup
- 抗O试验antistreptolysin O test; ASO test
- 混合O血清型mixed serotypes
- 抗O敏感性调节细胞anti-TSRC; antitheta sensitive regulatory cell
- 拮抗antagonism
- 抗衰老anti-ageing; senile-resistant
- 抗压能力anti-pressure ability
- 拮抗剂antagonist
- 抗毒血清,抗毒素包含对一种或多种抗原的特异抗体的人体或动物血清Human or animal serum containing antibodies that are specific for one or more antigens.
- H型抗血清H type of antiserum
- 抗蝎毒血清scorpion antivenin
- 同种抗血清alloantiserum
- 抗B血清ABS; anti-B serum
- 抗C血清anti-C serum
- H型抗血清H Type of Antiserum
- Rh抗血清Rh antiserum
- R型抗血清R Type of Antiserum
- 马抗血清Equine antiserum