- 拟多项式算法Steiner树pseudopolynomial Algorithm
- 解答划分问题的新拟多项式时间算法A New Pseudo-polynomial Time Algorithm for Partition Problem
- Steiner树Steiner tree
- 双权树形图的多项式算法A Polynomial Algorithm for Double-Weight Arborescence
- 2D拟多项式2D quasi-polynomials
- 满Steiner树full Steiner tree
- 整数瓶颈问题的两个多项式算法Two Polynomial Algorithms on a Special Integer Bottleneck Problem
- 拟多项式quasi polynomial
- 瓶颈Steiner树bottleneck Steiner tree
- 拟多项式函数polynomial-like function
- 求基可行解一种概率意义下的多项式算法The Polynomlial Algorithm Finding a Basic Feasible Solution in the Sense of Probability
- 最小Steiner树minimum Steiner tree
- 树袋熊koala
- 求关系模式所有最小基数候选关键字的一种多项式算法A Polynomial-time algorithm about finding all candidate keys of minimum cardinality relative to a relation schema
- 树种tree species
- 曲线拟合curve fitting
- 欧氏Steiner树Euclidean Steiner Tree(EST)
- 现代物流技术中装卸工问题的拟多项式时间可解情况A Psuedo-Polynomially Solvable Case of the Loader Problem in Modern Logistics Technology
- 柠檬树lemon
- 拟人化personate