- 推广使用TP金属抗磨剂Popularize and apply TP metal antiwear agent
- 新型TP金属抗磨剂的研制和应用Research and application of new TP metal antiwear agent
- 特殊的金属抗磨剂,能够有效防止金属部件之间的摩擦。The special metal resists and rubs the pharmaceutical, the friction that can prevent from between the metal parts effectively.
- 特殊的金属抗氧剂,延长发动机使用寿命。The special metal resists and rubs the pharmaceutical, lengthen engine service life.
- 此项成果已在西安和北京推广使用。The achievement has been spread and applied in Xi'an and Beijing.
- JH型抗磨剂对汽轮机油质的影响及处理措施Effect of JH Type Antiwear Additive on Quanlity of Oil in Turbine and its Treatment
- 北京、上海、广州等大城市限期推广使用无铅汽油。In Beijing,Shanghai,Guangzhou and other large cities,deadlines for shifting to the use of lead-free gasoline were set.
- 稀土氧化物对焊缝金属抗高温氧化腐蚀性能的影响Effect of Rare Earth Oxides on the High Temperature Oxidation and Corrosion Resistance of Weld Metal
- 上海市推广使用无铅汽油对儿童血铅水平影响的追踪调查The trends of changes in children's blood lead levels since the introduction of lead free gasoline in Shanghai
- 助磨剂grinding aid
- 科学、合理设置城市功能区域,污水和垃圾集中处理,推广使用清洁能源,净化空气。With the city's functional areas built scientifically and rationally,sewage and garbage will be disposed centrally,and clean energy will be adopted to help minimize air pollution.
- 减摩抗磨anti- frication & anti wear
- 磨光剂;金属擦光剂metal polish
- :术前应用 1%新福林点眼加术后冷敷可减少术后结膜反应 ,并减轻病人的痛苦 ,建议临床推广使用preoperative use of 1%25 neosynephrine eye drip combined with postoperative local cold compress may lessen postoperative conjunctiva reaction of patients and mitigate the sufferings of patients. It was proposed to apply popularly in the clinical.
- 磨剂grinding composition
- 抗腐蚀金属noncorroding meta
- 抗磨效果anti-wear effects
- 金属处理剂|磷化底漆metal conditioner
- 综合安全评估方法 ( FSA)是目前世界上获得广泛推广使用的一种船舶安全设计的工程技术方法 .FSA method is a kind of the engineering technical method of ship safety design that acquires wide use at present.
- 磨房过去使用笨重的石磨把麦磨成面粉;现在它们使用的是比较现代的机械。Mills used to use heavy stones to grind down the wheat into flour; now they use more modern machinery.