- 提高RH真空度的研究The study of improving vacuum degree of RH
- 像元二分模型在土地利用现状更新调查中反演植被盖度的研究On the Application of Dimidiate Pixel Model to Inversion of Vegetation Coverage in Land-use Investigation
- 真空度vacuity
- Crookes辐射计内最佳真空度的实验和仿真研究Experimental and simulative study on optimal vacuum pressure within Crookes radiometer
- 真空vacuum
- 提高硬质合金拉丝模性能的研究进展Development of the Improvement upon Cemented Carbide Drawing Die
- 一个谦虚的学者从不自称对自己研究的课题已经作了详尽无遗的研究。A modest scholar never professed to have exhausted his subject.
- 真空断路器真空度的在线检测On-line Monitoring of the Vacuum Degree in Vacuum Circuit Breaker
- LED照明灯具亮度问题的研究与提高方案The research and enhance project of the luminance problem of LED lamps
- 提高沾色牢度和色泣牢度的方法The measures for improving the staining fastness and colorfastness to bleeding
- 普通高校体育系运动人体科学的教学改革及其对高素质专业人才培养的研究On Reform of the Content of Teaching Kinematical Somatology in P.E. Department in Institutions of Higher Education and Its Role in Training Qualified Professionals
- 保持真空度不变keep the vacuum constant
- 定向运动对提高学生综合素质作用的研究On the Positive Effect of Orientation Movement on the Students'Synthetic Constitution
- 复方盐酸二甲双胍片中格列本脲含量及其均匀度的HPLC测定Determination of Glibenclamide and Its Content Uniformity in Compound Metformin Hydrochloride Tablets by HPLC
- 真空度太小。The pressure in the vacuum is too low.
- 科学家正为寻找免疫的抗生原而进行有系统的研究工作。Scientists are conducting systematic research into antigens to combat immune disorders.
- 提高薄壁半圆规加工精度的制造工艺的研究Development of thin semicircle gauge machining accuracy using a new manufacturing process
- 一类节点与弧的容量均有限制的随机流量网络可靠度的计算On Reliability Evaluation of a Stochastic-Flow Network with Node Failure
- 真空度降低vacuum down
- 提高高强混凝土高温条件下抗爆裂性能的研究The research of improving the spalling resistance of the high strength concrete in the condition of high temperature