- 改良UASB反应器improved UASB reactor
- UASB反应器UASB reactor
- 水力循环UASB反应器hydraulic circulating UASB reactor
- 淀粉配水中温启动UASB反应器Use Synthetic Starch-containing Water to start up UASB Reactor in Mesophilic Range
- 豆腐废水UASB反应器中的原核生物多样性及主要功能菌群Phylogenetic Diversity of Prokaryotes and The Main Functional Groups in A UASB Reactor Treating Bean Curd-farm Wastewater
- 低温条件下硬硅钙石二次粒子对UASB反应器污泥颗粒化的影响研究Study on the Effects of Xonotlite Secondary Particles on Sludge Granulation in UASB Reactor at low temperature
- 他主张改良监狱制度。He advocates reforming the prison system.
- 二相UASB反应器的启动The Start of Two-Phase UASB Reactor
- 他热心于改良。He was zealous for improvement.
- 草原改良grassland improvement
- 脉冲进液方式在UASB反应器中的应用Application of Pulsed Fluid Inflow of UASB
- 这为土壤改良工作提供了宝贵资料。This has provided valuable data for work in soil improvement.
- 反应器参数敏感性parametric sensitivity of reactor
- 改良戏剧运动a movement to uplift the drama
- 运用流动模型和Monod方程,建立了UASB反应器稳态模型,并对模型参数进行了估计。Using the fluid flow model and monod equation of reaction kinetics, kinetic model of UASB reactor was established and the parameters were estimated.
- 盐碱地改良reclamation of saline and alkaline land
- AR反应器annular reactor
- 这个城市的治安机构需要改良。The city's security apparatus needs reforming.
- IC反应器IC reactor
- 同时产甲烷反硝化在UASB反应器中的实现Study on Simultaneous Methanogenesis and Denitrification in a UASB Reactor