- 为了能在当地听到VCR播放,你必须连接另一台扬声器到VCR(被放大的)。In order to hear the vcr playback locally, you must connect a second speaker(in this case, amplify) to the vcr.
- 放大的读数an enlarged reading
- 放to release
- 放大的ELISAamplified ELISA
- 大鼠神经肌肉接点N型乙酰胆碱受体密度测定的ELISA法An ELISA for the determination of N-Ach receptor in nerve-muscle joint of rat
- 缩放zoom
- 对检测大鼠细小病毒(RV株)抗体的ELISA、IEA和HI三种方法作了比较。Comparison among ELISA, IEA and HI was made in detecting the antibody torat Parvovirus.
- 放大的megascopic
- 那么过来,你这个棒小子,让我拉看看你有多大的能耐。Come on then, you bully; show us what you're made of.
- 大的雄性动物一些其它形体巨大的雄性动物,如鳄鱼、大象或麋鹿The male of certain other large animals, such as the alligator, elephant, or moose.
- 放大的反偏压amplified back bias
- 你看到过汤姆·史密斯的七叶树吗?他有一棵非常大的七叶树。Have you seen Tom Smith's conker? He's got ever such big one!
- 我需要一台功率更大的电视机来克服我邻居的立体系统的干扰。I need a more powerful set to overcome my neighbor's stereo.
- 我要放大照片。I'd like to enlarge this.
- 模型通常按比例制成的小物体,它精确地表现另一个通常是更大的物体A small object, usually built to scale, that represents in detail another, often larger object.
- 放大范围gain margin
- 他心中盘算着,如果叫他们更卖力地干,他就可以发更大的财。He thought to himself that he could get richer by making them work harder.
- 放大幅度enlargement range
- 这幅条幅是一位著名的书法家用一把很大的蘸满黑墨的大刷子写的。This scroll was written by a famous calligrapher using a very big brush charged with black ink.
- 放大灯enlarger lamp