- 施纯N肥pure nitrogen
- N肥N fertilizer
- N肥用量amount of nitrogen
- 肥fat
- 控释N肥Controlled release of N fertilizer
- 无机N肥Inorganic nitrogen fertilizer
- N肥施用量N amount
- 增肥getting fat
- N肥利用率N fertilizer use efficiency
- 肥佬lard-bucket
- 按模n计数count modulo n
- 肥仔fat guy
- s-o-n-g拼成"song"一字。s-o-n-g spells "song".
- 肥肥fat
- 按模数N校验modulo n check
- n. 克g.
- 经过一个夏天,连最差的牛羊在这里也长得又肥又壮了。After a summer here the poorest sheep and cattle grow strong and fat.
- n. 页p./pp.
- 养肥fat up
- n. 段par.