- 施SiSilicon application
- 施(surname)
- 施与dispensation
- 施以inflict
- 施暴exert violence
- 施魔法hex
- 施法excute a law
- 己所不欲毋施于人Do as you would be done by.
- 恩威并施。Temper justice with mercy.
- 己所不欲,勿施与人Do as you would be done by others
- 施救sue and labour
- 在西方国家婴儿常由牧师施洗礼。In western countries the baby is usually christened by the priest.
- 施虐狂sadism
- 施胶sizing
- 恩威并施temper justice with mercy
- 她略施脂粉。She is thinly powdered.
- 施暴者abuser
- 女巫对王子施了魔法。The witch charmed the prince.
- 尽管他的家人知道他身无分文,一筹莫展,但没有一个人向他施以援手。None of his family helped him even though they know he was flat on his back without a penny.
- 浓施睫毛膏.apply the mascara thickly