- 曲古林菌素ATrichorin A
- 曲古菌素ATrichostatin A
- 曲古抑菌素Atrichostatin A
- 曲林菌素asperline
- 古林方法A · J · KLEE method
- 曲古抑菌素A(TSA)Trichostatin A
- 古林箐秋海棠Begonia gulinqingensis
- 马关县古林箐Gulinqing of Maguan County
- 古林箐自然保护区Gulinqin Nature Reserve
- 曲古霉素Ahistone deacetylation
- 马关古林箐自然保护区Gulinqing Nature Reserve in Maguan
- 基于古林灰色证据理论的农业产值因素分析研究Study on Agriculture Production Value Factor Analysis Based on A.J. Klee, Grey Incidence Analysis and D-S theory
- 粘菌素AColistin A
- 编织了一曲古丝绸之路上的友谊之歌。It is an ode to friendship along the ancient Silk Road.
- 珍稀植物古林箐秋海棠的资源状况及生物学特性Begonia gulinqingensis, a Rare Plant and Its Wild Resource Status and Biological Characters
- 螺菌素Aendomycin
- 曲古霉素trichomycin
- 头孢菌素Acephalosporin A
- 粘康菌素Amuconomycin A
- 维甲酸和曲古抑素联合诱导甲状腺癌细胞分化基础研究及维甲酸诱导分化型甲状腺癌的初步临床应用The Studies of Thyroid Carcinoma Cells Re-differentiation Induced with Retinoic Acid and Trichostatin A