- 最近到处是卡拉OK店"These days, you can find karaoke any - where. "
- 最近到处是卡拉OK店。These days, you can find karaokes any - where.
- 你想去那间新开张的卡拉OK店吗?Do you feel like going to that new karaoke bar?
- 最近recently
- 店store
- "货运车站上到处是各式各样的吊车和运输车辆,一片蓬勃景象。"The freight station is lively with cranes and vehicles of all descriptions.
- 最近的latest
- 这位是卡拉。你记得她吗?This is Carla. Do you remember her?
- 街的两旁到处是稀奇古怪的字母写的色彩鲜艳的商店招牌。Brightly colored shop signs in strange alphabets lined the streets.
- 她想同我们一起去玩卡拉OK,但不知道她的妈妈会不会有意见。She wants to go to play Karaoke with us, but she does not know whether it is all right to her mother.
- 墙纸上到处是污迹。The wall paper had smudges all over it.
- "货运车站上到处是各式各样的吊车和运输车辆,一片蓬勃景象。"The freight station is lively with cranes and vehicles of all descriptions.
- 日本百货公司、日式产品,如日本寿司和卡拉OK等,已成为香港人生活中不可或缺的一部分。Japanese products and department stores,like sushi and karaoke,are an integral part of Hong Kong's life.
- 海滩上到处是贝壳。The seashore was covered with shells.
- 湖中到处是小船。The lake was dotted with boats.
- 我喜欢唱卡拉OK。I love to sing Karaoke.
- 那次地震过後,全城到处是颓垣断壁。An earthquake left the whole town in ruins.
- 卡拉OK酒吧karaoke bar
- 到处是石头的荒地stony wastes
- 小酒店里到处是酒。The tavern flowed with wine.