- 有序L10织构ordered L10 texture
- 构Broussonetia papyrifera
- 织weave
- 织构texture
- 变形织构deformation texture
- 磁织构magnetic texture
- γ织构γ-fiber texture
- 织构化texturing
- 蚀坑法研究冷轧及退火工艺对无取向硅钢织构演变的影响Pit etching research about rolling and annealing treatment on texture in non-oriented silicon steel
- 退火加热过程对高压电解电容器阳极铝箔立方织构的影响Influence of annealing process on cube texture formation in aluminum foil of high voltage anode electrolytic capacitor
- 织构性能Textural property
- 织构变化Texture Variation
- 织构设计Texture design
- 轧制织构rolling texture
- 织构合金textured alloy
- 织构行为textural behavio(u)r
- 织构应力textural stress
- 越级织构hiatal fabric
- 条带织构banded texture
- 铸造织构casting texture