- 有理Bézier表面rational Bézier surface
- 有理Bézier插值rational Bezier interpolation
- 有理Bézier曲面rational Bézier surfaces
- 有理Bézier样条曲线rational B6zier spline
- 有理in the right
- 表面outside
- 有理Bézier三角曲面片rational triangular Bézier patch
- 有理B样条表示rational B- spline representations
- 有理B样条曲面rational B-spline surface
- 一根针和某些作家一般有一个头,而且更尖锐(有理)。A pin have as much head as some author, and a good deal more point.
- 非均匀的有理B样条non-uniform rational B-spline(NURBS)
- 非统一有理B样条曲面Non-Uniform Rational B-Splines(NURBS) surfaces
- 只是表面上看起来似乎有理而可信。having only superficial plausibility.
- 二次有理B样条曲线曲率单调条件Curvature monotony condition Tor the quadratic rational B spline curves.
- 掌声停了是因为一条谨慎的似乎有理的条款引起的原因。The applause paused because of the cause caused by a cautious plausible clause.
- 三角域上有理B-B曲面的包络性The envelope of rational B-B surfaces over triangles
- 尽管你说得似乎有理,但是我还是希望你能提供更多的证据。Even though your argument is plausible, I still would like to have more proof.
- 有理Bézier曲线rational Bézier curve
- 所以,吴作栋总理说得有理:你不讲标准英语,外国人便听不懂你的话。Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong is,therefore,right: If you don't speak good English,foreigners would not be able to understand you.
- 有理二次Bézier曲线rational quadratic Bézier curve