[wàng yǎn yù chuān]
- 望眼欲穿 [wàng yǎn yù chuān]
- expect to see someone who never comes; almost wearing out one's eyes; anxiously gaze till one's eyes are strained; aspire earnestly; be longing to have someone back; gaze anxiously till one's eyes are overstrained; have long been hungering for ... with impatient expectancy; have long been looking forward with eager expectancy; look for with impatient expectancy; look on with longing eyes; One's eyes are nearly worn out, looking for someone.; One's eyes are worn out watching for sb.; One's expecting eyes are going to be worn out.; wear out one's eyes looking for ...:
The old woman was anxiously awaiting the return of her relatives. 老妇人望眼欲穿地盼望亲人归来。