- 栅格DEMgrid DEM
- 实验结果表明,所建立的栅格DEM表面高程误差随着TIN的转换阈值的增大而增大、所提取的地面坡度、沟壑密度的精度随之降低。The experiment shows that the conversion accuracy between Grid DEMs and TINs affected by conversion tolerance of TINs directly.
- 本文在总结前人关于地形信息问题研究成果的基础上,提出了栅格DEM数据的地形信息容量的概念,并以陕北黄土高原为实验样区,探讨有关DEM数据地形信息容量的问题。Based on the summaries of former researches on topographic information and DEMs of Loess Plateau in North Shaanxi, This thesis comp up with a new concept, Terrain Information Parameters (TIPs) of DEMs, and explain the relations between TIPs and real landform.
- 栅格DEM与TIN是DEM表面建模主要的2种方法。 应用DEM进行地形分析时,栅格DEM与TIN的相互转换非常必要,但在转换中所产生的误差直接或间接地影响到分析结果的准确性。The conversion between Grid DEMs and TINs is of critical significance in digital terrain analysis which is a key work in the watershed planning of the loess plateau region.
- 栅格grid
- 凹板栅格concave grate
- 凹板延长栅格面积concave extension grate area
- 凹板延长栅格concave grate extension
- 变形栅格distorted lattice
- 含钚栅格plutonium bearing lattice
- 栅格绘图raster plotting
- 定心栅格centred lattice
- 模拟栅格mock up lattice
- 主栅格Home grid
- 单元栅格element grid
- 棒束栅格cluster lattice
- 石墨栅格graphite lattice
- 六角形栅格hexagonal lattice
- 栅格板turbogrids plate
- 栅格差grivation