- 标准的Wolfe准则standard Wolfe conditions
- 标准standard
- 关于非光滑不变凸多目标规划的Wolfe型对偶The Wolfe Typo Duality for Nonsinooth (F. p) Invcx Multiobjectivo Progranimings
- 准则(n) standard or norm
- (道德方面)促进,提高,社会进步提高社会,道德和智力标准的努力或运动An effort or a movement to improve social, moral, or intellectual standards.
- 建立了非光滑集函数多目标规划的Wolfe型和Mond-Weir型对偶规划,讨论了关于有效解的弱对偶定理、直接对偶定理和逆对偶定理。In this paper,for a nonsmooth multiobjective programming with set functions,Wolfe type duality and MondWeir type duality are established. Weak dual theorem,direct dual the-orem and in verse dual theorem about effictent solution are discussed.
- 标准的normal
- 在第二章中我们提出了新的非精确线搜索,并证明了它的可行性,得到了推广的Zoutendijk条件,随后还和传统的Wolfe线搜索做了比较。In chapter 2, we propose a new inexact line search and demonstrated its feasibility. We get promotion Zoutendijk condition. And then we made a comparison of the traditional Wolfe line search.
- 这一下限通常也起到了量刑标准的作用。This minimum limit is often a function of sentencing guidelines.
- 国际标准international standard
- 标准英语Queen's English
- 标准的情况怎样?And what about standards?
- 标准差root-mean-square error (RMS error)
- 符合标准to comply with a standard
- 技术标准technology standard
- 一个行为脱离他所在人群的标准的人。one whose behavior departs substantially from the norm of a group.
- C+AutoCAD+数据库编制标准的参数化齿轮设计绘图软件+AutoCAD+Database to Progam Gear Designning and Drawing Software
- 建立一个多层次的道德准则和人生观、价值观衡量标准体系Building a Multilevel System of Measurements on Moral Norms, Life Outlook and Values
- 政府决意坚守一个符合最高国际标准的知识产权制度。The Government is committed to upholding a world-class intellectual property rights regime.
- 标准的警察证A standard police ID card