- 根际CO2与O2浓度Rhizospheric CO2 and O2 concentration
- 根际CO2浓度rhizosphere CO2 concentration
- O2浓度Oxygen concentration
- 橡胶、胡椒、咖啡根际土壤微生物与部分病原菌拮抗关系的研究Antagonism Relation Studies between Some Pathogene and Rhizosphere Soil Microbes from Hevea brasiliensis,Piper nigrum and Coffea arabica
- 根root
- 总氮、色度、pH、总酸、酒精度、双乙酰、CO2与所测的珠江啤酒的指标接近。The chroma,the total nitrogen,the total acid,pH,alcoholicity,diacetyl and CO2 of the product beer were close to that of Zhujiang beer.
- 光敏剂RB在光照射下与O2反应产生1O2,1O2与组氨酸或咪唑反应的中间产物使RNO发生氧化,导致RNO在440nm处吸光度减小,此即为RNO脱色反应.Photosensitizer rose bengal (RB) reacts with O 2 to generate singlet oxygen ( 1O 2) under illumination . 1O 2 reacts with histidine or imidazole to form intermediate products which oxidize RNO. The reaction causes optical absorption of RNO at 440 nm to decrease.
- 高浓度CO2与O3elevated CO2 and O3 concentration
- 结果表明,预硫化后催化剂需要经过钝化处理;反应温度、O2浓度、反应时间及膨胀率是影响钝化效果的主要因素。The results showed that passivation of the presulfided hydrogenation catalysts was necessary; temperature, concentration of O2, reaction time and expansion rate are important influential factors on the passivation effects.
- CO2与油气双重充注Dual infilling by C02 and petroleum
- 根的溢泌物与根际微生物关系的研究Study of the Relation Between Plant Root Secretions to Root Region Microorganism
- 非根际non-rhizosphere
- 为了解北京大学园区室内空气质量,对园区不同类型房屋内CO、CO2与NMHC(非甲烷烃)浓度进行测定。To explore the indoor air quality of Peking university,the concentrations of carbon monoxide(CO),carbon dioxide(CO 2) and non methane hydrocarbons (NMHC) in the indoor air were measured in different types of rooms of Peking university.
- 根际pHrhizophere pH
- 菌根际rhizosphere
- 根际圈Rhizosphere
- 苍术根茎及根际土水提物生物活性研究及化感物质的鉴定Bioactivity of extracts from rhizoma and rhizosphere soil of cultivated Atractylodes lancea DC. And identification of their allelopathic compounds
- 小麦根际Wheat-rhizosphere
- 非根际区bulk soil
- 根际土壤rhizosphere soil