- 正的自反馈Hopfield网络Hopfield neural networks with positive self-feedbacks
- 正在in the process of (doing something or happening)
- 网络network
- 自定义user-defined
- 自oneself
- 正Chinese 1st month of year
- 正的plus
- Liu系统的自反馈控制和采样数据反馈控制Control of Liu system using self-feedback and sampled-data feedback
- 模糊Hopfield网络fuzzy hopfield networks
- Hopfield网络模型Hopfield network model
- 网络连接network connections
- 一类带高次自反馈非线性控制系统的镇定性Stabilization of a Kind of Nonlinear Control Systems with High Order Self-Feedback
- 不倒翁带有加重圆形底座,可来回摇晃并自己扶正的玩具A toy made with a weighted, rounded base so that it can rock over and then right itself.
- 摘要从线性码的生成矩阵出发,研究线性码的自同构群。According to the generator matrix of a linear code, automorphism group is studied.
- 对数表示法的整数部分,它可以是正的或负的。对照mantissa。The integer part, which may be positive or negative, of the representation of a logarithm.
- 带反馈的自适应检索Adaptive search with feedback
- 摘要准分子激光眼科治疗机可以用来进行近视、远视、散光等屈光不正的矫正手术。The excimer laser refractive surgical instrument can be used to correct myopia, hyperopia astigmatism diopter.
- 基于在线频率估计的自适应反馈主动隔振技术Adaptive feedback control method for active vibration isolation based onon-line frequencies estimation
- 用带非线性自反馈的神经网络求解最大团问题Using a Neural Network with Nonlinear Self-feedback to Solve the Maximum Clique Problem
- 约沙法效法他父亚撒所行的,不偏左右,行耶和华眼中看为正的事。"He went in the ways of his father asa, not turning away, but doing right in the eyes of the Lord."