- 河豚毒素(TTX)tetrodotoxin
- 饲料中添加河豚毒素(Tetraodotoxine,TTX)的河豚养殖Farming Takifugu rubripes by Adding Tetraodotoxine,TTX in Feed
- 河豚毒素对电刺激诱发的兔隐动脉双相血管收缩反应的作用Effects of tetrodotoxin on biphasic vasoconstrictive responses to electric stimulation in rabbit saphenous artery
- BiPAP呼吸机治疗急性河豚毒素中毒致呼吸衰竭16例临床观察Clinical observation about treating 16 cases of respiratory failure caused by acute spheroidine intoxication with BiPAP breathing machine
- 毒素toxin
- TTX停搏液TTX cardioplegia
- 河豚毒素的色谱检测Chromatography Detection Methods of Tetrodotoxin
- 结果表明SMB对TTX-R钠通道SMB also increased the amplitudes of TTX-S and TTX-R sodium currents in
- 黄曲霉毒素aflatoxin
- 无论是动作电位的恢复还是抗TTX动作电位的消失,EDL肌纤维均快于SOL肌纤维。The time course,with which both the recovery of parameters of action potentials and the disap-pearance of TTX-resistant action potentials proceeded, was faster in EDL than inSOL.
- 河豚毒素生物法提取项目Extract toxin from globefish by biological method
- 用TTX或无Ca2+人工脑脊液灌流脑片可显著地降低缺氧去极化幅度,延迟去极化的发生。TTX or Ca+-free ACSF may reduce the amplitude and delayed the occurence of hypoxic depolarization.
- 肉毒素creatoxin
- [医] 河豚属Tetrodon L.
- 神经毒素neurotoxin
- 霉菌毒素污染contamination by fungal toxin
- 结果(1)1·2mmol/L河豚毒(TTX)使APA和Vmax与给药前相比有所减小(P<0·05),VDD和RPF明显减慢(P<0·01);Results (1) 1.2 mmol/L tetrodotoxin (TTX) significantly decr eased APA and V_max,(P<0.05). VDD and RPF were significantly slowed down as compared with control (P<0.01).
- 白喉毒素diphtheria toxin
- 吸收毒素absorb [assimilate] poison
- 安波毒素ambomycin