- 法院附设ADRADR attached to Court
- 法院附设ADR制度Court Annexed ADR System
- 法院附设ADR区别于传统的法院审判程序,在解决纠纷的方式上属于通过合意解决纠纷的机制,其在解决纠纷中的优势以及相邻权纠纷的特点,决定了在处理相邻纠纷中引入这一机制具有可行性。Through explaining the advantage of ADR and the characteristic of the adjacent relation dispute,this article puts forward that the court should first apply ADR system to handling the dispute.
- 附设ADRJudicial ADR
- 法院附设调解court-annexed mediation
- 法院附设调解制度与法院调解制度之比较The Comparative Study of Court -annexed Mediation and Court-mediation System
- 法院附设诉前调解pre-pleading court-annexed mediation
- 传统仲裁与法院附设强制仲裁--美国ADR中两种仲裁形式介评Traditional Arbitration and Court-Annexed Compulsory Arbitration--A Discussion on the two Kinds of Arbitration in American ADR
- 大学附设的校外部the University extramural department
- ADRADR ( Alternative Dispute Resolution)
- 她已向法院申请离婚。She has filed a petition for divorce.
- 附设小型三角钢琴可供租用A baby grand piano for rent
- 机场内多个公共电话亭均附设。Public phone booths throughout the airport.
- 法院宣判了该案件。The court adjudicated on the case.
- 我由一名法院的执行官领进法庭。I was led into the courtroom by a marshal.
- 为什么矿工学校有会计科呢?还是附设在那里?Why does a School of Mines teach Accountancy and how does it fit into the institution?
- 有人认为高等教育的附设部分使大学水平降低了。Some believe that the extension of higher education has levelled down university standards.
- 他向上一级法院申诉。He appealed his case to a higher court.
- 法院判给他沉船事故中的损失赔偿费。He was awarded his damages in the shipwreck by the court.
- 法院为政府的主要机关之一。A court is one of the chief organs of government.