- 射流形式pattern
- 可变射流形式喷雾水枪泡沫发生器variable-pattern water fog nozzle foam-maker
- 泡沫射流形式<泡沫从泡沫发生器喷出后foam pattern
- 岸边都是泡沫。The shore was margined with foam.
- 这个名词是主格形式的吗?Is this noun in the nominative?
- 我撇去了煮沸糖浆上的泡沫。I skimmed the foam from the boiling syrup.
- 射流jet current
- 打篮球是体育活动的一种形式。Playing basketball is one form of physical exercise.
- 水面都是泡沫。The surface of the water is full of foam.
- 怎样把这个形容词改为中性形式?How do you put this adjective into the neuter?
- 一杯啤酒上面的泡沫the froth on a glass of beer
- 大众喜闻乐见的艺术形式a democratic art form
- 那条船的推进器把水浪搅动得泡沫四起。The ship's propeller churned the waves to foam.
- 射流模拟计算机fluid analogue computer
- 胎盘形式或构造The type or structure of a placenta.
- 大海上涌起点点泡沫.The sea was flecked with foam.
- 不拘形式地without formality
- 凹面射流concave jet
- 狂犬病的一个症状就是口吐泡沫。A symptom of rabies is foaming at the mouth.
- 在40年的债券发行期内,溢价的摊销形式与折价摊销相似。Premium is amortized over the 40-year life of the bonds in a manner similar to the amortization of discount.