- 混沌PIDchaos-PID
- 基于混沌蚂蚁群算法的PID控制器的参数整定PID parameter tuning based on chaotic ant swarm
- PIDPID(proportional-integral-derivative)
- 双PIDdouble PID
- 我们现在看到的不是一片混沌的辉光,而是无数颗恒星。Instead of a dim glow we now see countless stars.
- PID型PID-type
- 熊混沌Xiong chao
- 混沌法chaos method
- 前馈PIDbudget PID
- PID控制PID control
- 混沌PWMchaotic PWM
- 混沌码chaotic code
- PID调节PID control
- 免疫PIDimmune PID
- 混沌鞍chaotic saddle
- 混沌解chaotic solution
- 死区PIDPID with dead zone
- 遗传PIDAlgorithm PID
- 混沌带chaotic strips
- 混沌集chaotic set