- 添加客户端消息库IDAdding client message store IDs
- 在[To]字段中,输入您在第2课中给出的客户端消息库ID。In the To field, enter the client message store ID that you noted in Lesson 2.
- 在下面的示例中,规则仅应用于由客户端消息库ID sample_store_id标识的客户端。In the following example, the rules apply only to the client identified by the client message store ID sample_store_id.
- 必须通过在规则部分前加上带方括号的客户端消息库ID来为每个客户端指定服务器传输规则。Server transmission rules must be specified for each client by preceding a section of rules with the client message store ID in square brackets.
- 添加客户端安全约束Adding the client security constraint
- 确保该客户端消息库的ID已在服务器消息库上注册。Ensure that the ID of the client message store is registered on the server message store.
- 如何:向ASP.NET网页动态添加客户端脚本How to: Add Client Script Dynamically to ASP.NET Web Pages
- 添加客户端证书,除非知道服务器将要求提供该证书。Unless you know the server will ask for it.
- 需要提供哪些工具来更新现有的策略或添加客户定制的策略?What tools are provided to update existing policies or add custom policies?
- c选项指定连接到客户端消息库的连接字符串。The -c option specifies the connection string to the client message store.
- 关系数据库确保消息库具有关系数据库的安全性、基于事务的计算和其他优点。The relational database ensures that the message store has security, transaction-based computing, and the other benefits of relational databases.
- 要添加客户端视图,右键单击bean形体并选择To add a client view, right click on the bean shape and select
- 使用服务器代码可以向页中添加客户端脚本。Using server code, you can add client script to a page.
- QAnywhere代理在初始化客户端消息库后将自动关闭。The QAnywhere Agent automatically shuts down after initializing a client message store.
- 写入客户端名出错。There was an error writing the client name.
- 控件开发FTP客户端程序Development of FTP Client-Side Program by Use of Internet Transfer Control
- 用户可以模拟客户端。The user can impersonate a client.
- 读取客户端地址出错。There was an error reading the client address.
- 参数req是客户端的要求值Parameter req The request from the client
- 分析从客户端接收的语句Parsing statements received from clients