- 渐消Kalmanfading Kalman
- 他的怒气渐消,又能清晰地思考了。With the modification of his anger he could think clearly again.
- 渐消因子fading factor
- 渐消记忆fading memory
- 渐消滤波fading filtering
- 多重渐消multiple fading
- 闹声渐消。The noise died away .
- 月亮渐亏。The moon is on the wane.
- 消火quench
- 抹消effacement
- 报纸的攻击渐趋尖刻。The newspapers became even shriller in their attacks.
- 啊,我的天!我把所有资料都消掉了!Oh, my god! I cleared all my data.
- 河堤最后十英里渐趋平坦。The bank flatted off for the last ten miles.
- 消停tranquil; quiet
- 这条原则渐被废弃了。This rule has sink into disuse.
- 消融冰川缩减的消蚀过程The erosive processes by which a glacier is reduced.
- 渐屈线一给定曲线率中心的轨迹The locus of the centers of curvature of a given curve.
- 你脸上的疤痕最终会消去的。The mark on your face will disappear in time.
- 七点以后天色渐暗Darkness came on after seven.
- 消[熟]石灰slack lime