- 滑动DFTsliding DFT
- 滑动DFT的递归式算法Recursive Algorithm of Sliding DFT
- 滑动离散博立叶变换(DFT)算法sliding discrete fourier transform (DFT) technology
- 作侧向滑动to sidestep a slip
- 在键上快速滑动手指to slip one's fingers on the keys
- 关税升级, 滑动税率tariff escalation
- DFT变换discrete Fourier transform
- 平移滑动, 直移滑动translation gliding
- DFT插值discrete fourier transform interpolation
- 滑动砾岩slide conglomerate
- DFT迭代diserete Fourier transform ( DFT ) iteration
- 滑动盖环slip bezel ring
- DFT系数DFT coefficient
- 构造滑动tectonic sliding
- 递推DFTrecursive DFT
- 飞机滑动开出飞机库rolled the plane out of the hangar.
- 插值DFTinterpolated DFT
- 滑动型芯slide core