



  • - (使东西着火) burn:

    Wood burns better [more easily] when dry. 干柴好烧。

    The woodshed burned down in half an hour. 那间柴屋只半个小时就给烧光了。

    - (加热或接触某些化学药品、放射性物质等使物体起变化) cook; bake; heat:

    cook food; prepare a meal; 烧饭

    make charcoal; 烧炭

    - (烹调方法,先用油炸,再加汤汁来炒或炖,或先煮熟再用油炸) stew after frying or fry after stewing:

    pork stewed in soy sauce; 红烧肉

    stewed eggplant 烧茄子

    - (烹调方法,烤) roast:

    roast chicken 烧鸡

    - (发烧) run a fever; have a temperature:

    The patient's running a high fever.; The patient has a high temperature. 病人烧得厉害。

    He had [ran] a temperature for three days. 他已烧了3天了。

  • - (比正常体温高的体温) fever:

    a high fever; 高烧

    run a fever; 发烧



  1. 这是治疗烧伤和烫伤的药膏。
    This is an ointment for burns and scalds.
  2. 烧鱼之前先去掉鱼鳞。
    Scale the fish before cooking them.
  3. 他由于烧伤,被送入医院治疗。
    He was admitted to the hospital suffering from burns.
  4. 那个病人有些轻微的发烧。
    The patient has a mild fever.
  5. 医生无法解释高烧何以持久不退。
    The doctor couldn't explain the persistence of the high temperature.
  6. 她发烧已经过了危险期。
    Her fever passed its crisis.
  7. 她连续五天一直发烧。
    Her fever lasted five days without intermission.


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