- 爱博MSN群发代聊机器人ABOT MSN Group Message and Chat Assistant Robot
- 博obtain
- 实验比格犬群发性泌尿系统结石的诊治Diagnosis and Treatment of Population Urinary Stone Disease in a Laboratory Beagle Dog Colony
- 深爱affectionate
- 代言represent
- 并发be complicated by
- 迭代iteration
- 爱笑的risible
- 待发due out
- 群名group name
- 不爱have an aversion to
- 代步ride instead of walk
- 再发resend
- 真爱true love
- 对聊convective
- 地大物博a vast territory with rich resources
- 大群army
- 代入substituting
- 直发straight hair
- 示爱make love