- 牙列CT图像CT image of tooth-array
- 牙列计算机断层图像CT image of tooth -array
- 基于ct断层影像的下颌骨及下牙列三维几何学仿真3D Geometric Simulation of Mandible with Dental Arch from CT Data
- CT图像CT image
- 牙列的[医] dentural
- 鼻中隔偏曲与单侧上颌窦炎性病变的临床观察与CT图像处理The clinical observation and CT image processing of nasal septum deviation and unilateral inflammatory maxillary sinus disease
- 下牙列mandibular dentition
- 胸部CT图像chest CT image
- 骨水泥和种植体同期植入修复颌骨和牙列缺损的实验研究Experimental study of concomitant reconstruction of the defects of mandible and dental arch with SNPH-cement and dental implants
- CT图像计分CT image score
- 排齐牙列aligning
- 工业CT图像Industrial CT image
- 异位牙列Ectopic dentition
- 头部CT图像head CT images
- 早熟牙列premature dentistry
- 肺部CT图像lung CT image
- 牙列缺失edentulous
- 差值CT图像minus image value between CT images
- 上颌牙列maxillary dentition
- 第三牙列[医] hyperdontogeny