- 玉米抗穗粒腐病QTL定位Molecular Mapping of QTL for Resistance to Maize Ear Rot Caused by Fusarium moniliforme
- 玉米穗粒腐病遗传效应分析及抗性QTL定位Analysis Genetic Effects and QTL Mapping of Fusarium Moniliforme Ear Rot Resistance in Maize
- 玉米穗粒腐病研究进展Progress on Maize Ear Rot
- 玉米抗矮花叶病毒B株系的QTL定位QTL mapping for resistance to MDMV-B in maize
- 节节麦抗穗发芽基因的染色体定位及其抗性机理Tolerant Mechanism and Chromosome Location of Gene of Preharvest Sprouting Tolerance in Aegilops tauschii Cosson
- 穗粒腐病Fusarium moniliforme
- 抗穗发芽pre-harvest resistant sprouting
- 玉米抗茎腐病育种研究进展Research Progress on Maize Breeding for Resistance to Stalk Rot
- 剥粒发芽试验结果表明,筛选出的11个白皮抗穗发芽地方品种中,除“大玉花”为非种子休眠因素所致外,其余10个品种的抗性都是种子休眠所致。Results of seed germination tests showed that germination percentage of all the resistant land races was positively correlat to the sprouting rate only with the exception of the landrace"Dayuhua",which indicated that seed dormancy was responsible for resistance to preharvest sprouting in most land races and non seed dominant factor in Dayuhua.
- 玉米抗腐霉菌茎腐病超微结构的研究Studies on the Ultrastructure Resistance to Pythium Stalk Rot in Maize
- 玉米SSR连锁图谱构建与株高及穗位高QTL定位SSR Linkage Map Construction and QTL Identification for Plant Height and Ear Height in Maize(Zea mays L.)
- "爱德华还在服现役吗?" "不,他已因病复员了。""Is Edward on active service?" "No, he's been boarded out."
- 穗粒腐病菌对玉米幼苗的致病性研究Studies on Pathogenicity of Pathogen of Ear and Seed Rot in Maize Hybrids to Maize Seedling Blight
- 玉米穗粒腐病maize ear rot
- 玉米抗镰刀菌穗腐病接种方法及抗病资源筛选研究Inoculation Technique and Screening Maize Germplasm Resistance to Fusarium Ear Rot
- 玉米穗粒腐病研究概况Survey of Maize Ear Rot
- 玉米茎秆糖分含量与玉米对镰刀菌茎腐病抗性的关系Relationships between sugar content in corn stalk and resistance to corn stalk rot caused by Fusarium
- 玉米繁制种穗腐病的发生与防治Occurrence of Ear Rot and Its Prevention and Control
- 我国玉米穗、茎腐病病害研究现状与展望Status and Perspective on Research of Ear Rot and Stalk Rot in Maize
- 玉米穗、茎腐病镰孢菌相互关系的血清学研究Serological studies on the relationship between the pathogens of Fusarium ear rot and stalk rot of maize