- 环孢霉索ACydosporin A
- 环胞霉索ACyclosporine A
- 环胞菌素A,环胞素A,山地明,环孢灵,环胞多肽A,环孢霉素Cyclosporine
- 索isolated
- 环孢霉素ACiclosporin A; CS-A; CY-A; Cyclosporin A; Sandimmune; Sondoz
- 环孢霉素 Acyclosporin A; cyclosporine A
- 氯霉索Chloramphenicol
- 柔红霉索Daunorubicin
- 环孢霉素口服药物--这种药物有时被用来帮助控制严重的湿疹症状。Cyclopsorin oral medication - this medication is sometimes used in helping to manage the symptoms of severe eczema.
- 两性霉索BAmphotericin B
- 环孢素A微球cyclosporine A microspheres
- 卡里奇霉索Calicheamicin
- 头孢噻啶,吡唑孢霉素,先锋霉素Ⅱ, 头孢利素,头孢娄利定,头孢菌素ⅡGlanxoridin
- 乙酰螺旋霉索acetyl spriamycin
- 环孢素A血药浓度whole blood concentration of cyclosporine A
- 复方硫酸新霉索滴眼液Compound Neomycin Sulfate Eye Drops
- 环孢素A缓释系统cyclosporine A sustained release system
- 内孢霉endomyces
- 侧孢霉属sporotrichum
- 环孢素A(CsA)Cyclosporine A (CsA)