- 用GDI绘制一行文本To draw a line of text with GDI
- 常用in common usage
- 不用need not
- 没用useless
- 不用谢You're welcome
- 用来be used for
- 最上面的一行是在黄色背景上绘制的,它显示其他汇总行中的另一个文本。The topmost row is drawn on a yellow background and displays a different text from the other summary rows.
- 再用reoccupy
- 领用receive; get
- 绘制列标头文本。Draws the column header text.
- 没用的trashy
- 因此,我们来查看第一个一行程序,它旨在将文本输入中的两列添加到脚本中。Thus, we come to our first one-liner, intended to add two columns in the text input to the script.
- 中用useful
- 然后以主颜色绘制文本。Then the text is drawn in the main color.
- 不用的unused
- 所用used
- 从光标位置开始,将选定文本向下扩展一行。Extends text selection down one line, starting at the location of the cursor.
- 妙用magical function
- 用水water
- 说明如何在绘制文本时使用消除锯齿。Explains how to use antialiasing when drawing text.