- 用JAVA技术实现B/S结构网络数据库系统Realizing the network database system of B/S structure by Java technology
- 用Java技术访问数据库Visit database with Java technology
- 黑客没有访问数据库的权限,但是您有。The hacker does not have permissions to the database, but you do.
- 一个一个地用Java组件替换COM组件,最终把应用程序的所有组件转换成Java技术会比较好。It would be good to replace COM components by Java components one-by-one, and eventually turn all the components of the application into Java technology.
- 常用in common usage
- 数据库database
- DBI定义了访问数据库的方法、变量以及约定。DBI defines methods, variables and conventions for database access.
- 可用do
- 不用need not
- 应用Java技术访问Web数据库Applying Java Technology to Access Web Database
- 用法usage
- Java技术Java technology
- 2,保证访问准则依于表名,主键和列名,保证能以逻辑方式访问数据库中的每个数据项。Rule 2: Guaranteed Access Rule All data should be accessible without ambiguity. This can be accomplished through a combination of the table name, primary key, and column name.
- 有用useful
- 基于Internet,CGI,Java技术的电力信息发布系统及在线绘图Realization of electric power information publish system based on Internet, CGI, Java
- SharePoint数据库在远程计算机上运行时,SharePoint Web应用程序会显式拒绝远程计算机的计算机帐户访问数据库。When SharePoint databases run on a remote computer, the SharePoint Web application explicitly denies database access to the machine accounts of a remote computer.
- Java技术将加快嵌入式系统市场应用程序的开发和动态服务的提供Rapid Application Development and Dynamic Service Delivery for the Embedded Systems Market Enhanced by Java Technology
- 本文从某人学习用Java语言编程时所写的一个简单的类开始。This article begins with a simple class that one writes when learning to program in the Java language.
- 利用ASP技术访问数据库技术探讨Employing ASP Technology to Access Web Database
- INTERNET与Java技术Internet and Java