- 用PDF格式打印平面图Print the plans in PDF format
- 常用in common usage
- 不用need not
- 平面图ichnography
- 没用useless
- 不用谢You're welcome
- 逆页序打印reverse print order
- 用来be used for
- 总平面图master (general plot) plan
- 直接打印数码相机拍摄的照片和PDF文件,无需使用计算机Direct printing from digital camera and PDF files without using a PC
- 再用reoccupy
- 领用receive; get
- 编排这封信的格式它就能被打印出来了。Format this letter so it can be printed out.
- 没用的trashy
- 中用useful
- 打印文件时应选择横向打印格式选项。Select the landscape option when printing the file.
- 不用的unused
- 所用used
- 妙用magical function
- 用水water