- 用PHP+MYSQL实现分页查询Dividing WEB into Pages with PHP and MYSQL
- 用ASP技术对记录集实现分页显示Using ASP to Realize Pagination Display of Recordset
- 分minute
- 用Linux+Apache+PHP+MySQL实现校内动态栏目的自动更新Auto-Updating of Dynamic Column of the Campus Website with Linux + Apache +PHP+MySQL
- 分页pagination
- 常用in common usage
- 实现to achieve
- 黄页查询inquiry of the yellow page
- 是用PHP脚本语言编写的,它要求该语言版本号为4.2或以上。PhpGACL is written in the PHP scripting language. It requires PHP 4.2 And above.
- 可用do
- 页边margin
- 不用need not
- 下页overleaf
- 如何实现分程调节How to Realize Split Adjustment
- 当前页current page
- 用PHP查询MYSQL生成动态表单PHP inquiry of MYSQL Generate dynamic list
- 本文介绍了基于MySQL实现的分布式数据库系统D-SQL的实现技术,着重探讨了其数据更新机制。This paper introduce the implement technology of D-SQL, a DDBS which is based on MySQL, emphasize on its data updating mechanism.
- 页脚bottom of page
- 用法usage
- 分页符page break