- 电控CNG发动机electronic CNG engine
- 电控稀燃CNG发动机标定试验研究Research on Calibration Test for CNG Engines with Electrical Controlled Lean Burn
- 斯太尔重型CNG发动机电控单元的开发The Development of Styer Heavy Duty CNG Engine's ECU
- CNG发动机CNG engine
- 重型CNG发动机Heavy-duty CNG engine
- 电控顺序喷射CNG发动机过量空气系数研究Research of Excess Air Ratio of Sequential Injection CNG Engine
- 柴油发动机diesel motor
- CNG发动机和汽油机燃烧的比较分析Comparison and Analysis the Combustion of CNG Engine with that of Petrol Engine
- 我们把医院用的电控病床和输氧机安装妥,吓得那些猫不敢进卧室。We installed the electric hospital bed and oxygen machine,which frightened the cats from the bedroom.
- 汽车发动机motor car engine
- 柴油/CNGdiesel/CNG
- 喷气发动机jet engine
- 浅谈CNG储气井的建造Elementarily Talking about the Setting-Up of CNG Storage Wel
- CNG气站事故应急处理预案Emergency action schemes in the situation of CNG station accidents
- 发动机和变速箱能分开供应吗?Can the engine and the gearbox be supplied separately?
- 压缩天然气(CNG)加气站compressed natural gas (CNG) filling station
- 汽油发动机gasoline motor
- 硬质颗粒含量对CNG阀座性能的影响Effect of Content of Hard Particle on Properties of CNG Valve Seat
- 失去控制的发动机a wildcat engine
- CNG混空气掺混焦炉煤气的方案探讨Discussion on Mixing Coke Oven Gas with CNG-air Mixture for Gas Supply Modes