- 硬件编程语言VHDLhardware programing language VHDL
- 硬件编程语言hardware program language
- 硬件编程hardware programming
- 讨论了复杂可编程逻辑器件CPLD技术和硬件描述语言VHDL。Discuss CPLD and VHDL.
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- 硬件描述语言VHDLVery High Speed IntegratedCircuit Hardware Description Language VHDL
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- 硬件描述语言VHDL的功能及优点Function and Advantages of Hardware Description Language VHSIC
- 高级编程语言a high-level programming language
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- 硬件描述语言VHDL应用设计及实例Application Design and Example of Hardware Description Language VHDL
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- 编程语言研究Research on LS MPP Programming Language
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- 并采用比较分析的方法,使用硬件描述语言VHDL,实现了MORSE码串行异步接收发送(M-SART)模块IP软核的设计。And then, by comparing and analyzing differences between the SIU (Serial Interface Unit) module and the M-SART module, the IP soft core of the M-SART module was programmed with the Hardware Description Language (VHDL), and then, it was debugged, placed and routed in the EDA environment of MaxPlusII, the logic synthesis was also done in the EDA environment of MaxPlusII.
- 什么是编程语言?What is A Programming Language?
- 几何编程语言geometric programming language