- 硬件Cachehardware cache
- 硬件hardware
- 计算机硬件computer hardware
- Cache行为cache behavior
- 硬件平台hardware platform
- cache缓存cache buffer
- 硬件工程师hardware engineer
- Cache模拟cache simulation
- Cache抖动cache thrashing
- 硬件配置hardware configuration
- Cache命中率cache hits ratio
- 硬件设计hardware design
- cache不命中cache miss
- Cache包围盒Cache bounding box
- 硬件环境hardware environment
- 压缩Cache层次compressed cache
- 硬件需求hsrdware requirements
- Cache行为分析Cache behavior analysis
- 近几年,硬件价格涨幅很大,但是我们的价格变动不大。Hardware have go up a lot in recent year, but our price have not changed much.
- Cache时间特性Cache timing character