- 自动禁止屏幕保护Auto screen saver disable
- 禁止屏幕保护(&F)Screen saver disable
- 通知:已经自动禁止屏幕保护的运行Notice:screensaver exe has been auto disabled
- 屏幕screen
- 保护to defend
- 自动禁止屏幕保护-(设置禁用屏幕保护的条件)Auto disable screen saver(setting condition of disable screen saver)
- 我使用“临时禁止屏幕保护”这个功能无效。There's no way that I can use the "temporary stop the screensaver from starting up".
- 保护模式protected mode
- 全屏幕full screen
- 说明:当前窗口的标题如果在下表中,则自动禁止屏幕保护的启动。这样就不会影响我们看电影或者欣赏Flash了。Note:if current windows subject is listed below,it will auto disable screen saverand not effects watching movie or flash
- 读写屏幕保护Reading And Writing Screen Saver
- 关闭屏幕保护?Turning the screen saver off?
- 软件许可:免费软件这个屏幕保护程序显示低音提琴的改变画。Software Description: About Double Bass Screen Saver, This screen saver displays changing pictures of the double bass.
- 这个屏幕保护程序显示包括树,瀑布,小河和湖泊的美丽景色。Software Description: About Rivers and Lakes, This screen saver displays beautiful changing pictures of river and lake scenery including trees, waterfalls and mountains.
- 包括星空模拟、变幻线、多彩曲线、滚动字幕和黑屏等屏幕保护程序。Includes Flying Through Space, Mystify Your Mind, Curves and Colors, Scrolling Marquee, and Blank Screen screen savers.
- 软件许可:共享软件这个屏幕保护程序显示我们中国传统的绘画。Software Description: About Perfect Dreamful Chinese Painting, This screen saver displays traditional Chinese paintings of landscapes.
- 卧虎藏龙屏幕保护Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon Screensaver
- 软件许可:免费软件这个屏幕保护程序显示牛仔和他们的马的图片。Software Description: About Horseman - Real Cowboys, Saver displays changing pictures of cowboys and their horses Men - miscellaneous.
- 泰坦尼克屏幕保护。Titanic - Present Day - Deep Dive.
- 推荐屏幕保护下载站点Recommoned download website for screensaver