- 移动式牙用X线机mobiledental unit
- 便携式X线机移动式支架的研制Development of a mobile stand for portable X-ray unit
- 电磁式牙用材料疲劳实验机的研制与初步应用Development of an electromagnetic dental material tester
- 移动式床旁X线机mobile bedside unit
- 高容量移动式X线机high capacity mobile x-ray unit
- 一种新型无冠套固定桥式牙种植体的研制与应用Development of dental implant by crownless bridge works
- 天轨悬吊牙用X线机ceiling suspended dental unit
- "... 我要用利剑一样的话刺痛她的心,但决不是真用利剑 ... ""... I will speak daggers to her, but use none ... " (Shakespeare, Hamlet)
- X线稀钡钡餐Thin barium meal examination
- 移动式臂托mobile arm support
- 不典型骨髓炎的X线诊断与鉴别Diagnosis and Differential Diagnosis of X-ray in Clinical Atypical Pyogenic Osteomyelitis
- 龙门移动式钻床gantly drilling machine
- 林用喷雾机tree sprayer
- 移动式电惊厥治疗仪MECTA; mobile electroconvulsive therapy apparatus
- 透X线的radiotransparent
- 林用旋耕机forestry rotavator
- 移动式动静脉造影系统MAVIS; Movable Arterial and Venous Imaging system
- CT与X线对早期强直性脊柱炎的诊断Diagnoses of CT scan and X-ray film with the early ankylosing spondylitis
- 轮式移动操作机wheeled mobile manipulator
- 移动式长方形手术台边盆removable rectangular catch basin