- 窗口Foutier框架展开windowed Fourier frame expansion
- 窗口Fourier框架展开windowed Fourier frame expansion
- 窗口Fourier框架windowed Fourier frame
- 展开了新的黑客神话The hackers launched a new myth
- 白盒框架white - framework
- 窗口控制window control
- 窗口卷积window convolution
- 支持框架supporting frame
- 框架连接frame connection
- 窗口密度window density
- 扩大窗口window expanding
- Summer框架Summer Framework
- 如果预赛成绩能真实反映决赛的阵容,那么决赛时选手们就会成扇形展开,好像箭头似的。If the entry times are a true indication of form,the swimmers will fan out into a spearhead formation during the race.
- 窗口滤波window filtering
- 窗口办公window office mode
- 钢筋混凝土框架结构目标侧移的确定方法Determination Method of Target Lateral Displacement of RC Frame Structure
- 窗口切分window splitter
- 气候变化问题框架公约国际谈判委员会秘书处Secretariat of the International Negotiating Committee for a Framework Convention on Climate Change
- 窗口嵌入window-embedment
- 金枪鱼资源本来就稀少,而随着寿司和生鱼片在全球日益受到欢迎,各国对愈加稀缺的金枪鱼供应展开了更为激烈的竞争,特别是中国和俄罗斯等新兴市场。The growing popularity of sushi and sashimi around the world has led to greater competition for scarcer supplies of tuna, particularly from emerging markets such as Chinaand Russia.