



  • - (站) stand; remain in an erect position:

    remain standing; 站立

    stand straight; 直立

    - (使竖立; 使物件的上端向上) erect; stand; set up:

    erect a flagstaff; 立旗杆

    stand the pole here; 把杆子立在这儿

    - (建立; 制定) found; establish; set up:

    found a state; 立国

    establish a business; 立业

    - (订立) sign; conclude:

    make an agreement; conclude a treaty; 立约

    sign a note 立字据

    - (存在; 生存) exist; live:

    stand on one's own feet; support oneself; 自立

    stand alone; be on one's own feet; 独立

    - (指君主即位) ascend the throne
    - (确定继承地位) appoint; adopt:

    appoint an heir; 立嗣

    adopt a person as an heir 立某人为继承人

  • - (直立的) upright; vertical; erect:

    an upright engine 立式发动机

  • - (立刻) immediately; at once; right away:

    get the remarkable result right away 立奏奇效

  • - (姓氏) a surname:

    Li Kun 立坤



  1. 我设法自立而不求助于我的父母。
    I tried to stand on my own two feet rather than turned to my parents.
  2. 他总是坚持自己的立场。
    He always stands his ground.
  3. 【谚】空袋子,立不直。
    An empty sack cannot stand upright.
  4. 为纪念那次战役,我们建立了一座博物馆。
    In remembrance of the battle, we set up a museum.
  5. 她墓前立着一块墓碑。
    A tombstone stands in front of her tomb.
  6. 你看到耸立着一座塔的那座小山了吗?
    Have you seen the hill whereon a tower is standing?
  7. 成立了一个委员会来调查工人的不满。
    A committee was set up to look into the workers' grievances.


目录 查词历史