- 固相竞争ELISAsolid-phase competition ELISA
- 单抗竞争ELISAMcAb-based competi-tive ELISA
- 竞争competition
- 单抗竞争ELISA检测猪沙门氏菌感染方法的建立与应用Establishment and Application of a MAb-based Competitive ELISA for Detection of Piglet's Paratyphoid
- 竞争ELISAcompetitive ELISA
- 竞争对手corrival
- 竞争的competitory
- 间接竞争ELISAindirect competitive ELISA
- 激烈的竞争a rat race
- 竞争激烈the dust and heat of the day
- 直接竞争ELISADirect ELISA
- 竞争优势competitive edge
- 激烈竞争cut-throat competition
- 恶性竞争cut-throat competition
- 间接竞争ELISA法Ic - ELISA
- 竞争激烈的dog-eat-dog
- 市场竞争market competition
- 提高竞争能力boosting the competitiveness
- 不正当竞争unfair competition
- 竞争能力ability to compete