- 类Uθof class Uθ
- 一类U统计量函数的Edgeworth展开Edgeworth expansions of a class of U-statistic functions
- 利用函数的泰勒展开,考虑了一类U统计量函数的Edgeworth展开问题.In this paper, we consider the problem of Edgeworth expansions for a class of U-statistic functions by using their Taylor expansions.
- 分别在函数的三、四阶导数有界等条件的假设下,给出了一类U统计量函数的Edgeworth展开式.Under the conditions that the third or fourth derivatives of the functions are bounded, the Edgeworth expansions are presented.
- u盘
- 胺类amine
- 聚类分析cluster analysis
- 灵长类Primates
- 果类fruit
- 类项category
- 布类mercery
- 第一类first kind
- 蔬菜类greengrocery
- 脂类FAT
- 小类subclass
- 抽象类abstract class
- 醇类alcohols
- 酚类phenols
- 物以类聚,人以群分
- 类化apperception