- 线粒体信使RNAmitochondrial mRNA; mt mRNA
- 线粒体信使核糖核酸mitochondrial mRNA
- 前信使RNA,前mrnapremessenger RNA
- 转移一个由能导致遗传信息从DNA分子上转到信使rna上的DNA模板合成信使rna的过程The process by which messenger RNA is synthesized from a DNA template resulting in the transfer of genetic information from the DNA molecule to the messenger RNA.
- 兔出血症病毒信使RNA的分离纯化及其生物活性的鉴定Rabbit Haemorrhagic Disease Virus:Isolation of Messenger RNA and Identification of Its Activity
- 线粒体mitochondria
- 伪信使RNApseudomessenger RNA
- 前信使RNApremessenger RNA
- 反信使RNAanti-messenger RNA
- 非信使RNApseudomessenger RNA
- 假信使RNApseudomessenger RNA
- 类信使RNAmessenger-like RNA; MLRNA
- 早期信使RNAearly mRNA
- 《信使》UNESCO Courier
- 线粒体RNAmitochondrial RNA (mt RNA)
- 单顺反子信使RNAmonocistronic messenger RNA
- 《信使报》El Mercurio
- 线粒体鞘mitocondrial sheath
- 叶绿体信使RNAchloroplast messenger RNA
- 他们通过信使传递信息。They send the message via the courier.